
A legacy worth telling to the newer generations

Embracing the Proud Legacy of Lt. Col. Thakur Dungar Singh Ji M.C.

Lt. Col Thakur Dungar Singh M.C. was born in village Awai in Jaisalmer on 04th of February, 1913. His father Risaldar Thakur Mohabat Singh Rawlot (Jodhpur Lancers) was the first person from the district of Jaisalmer to join the Armed Forces in 1890s and had rendered significant services in China during the Boxer revolution and later in the First World War on the French front, Jordan Valley, Battle of Aleppo amongst others. He was appointed Polo and Riding instructor by Sir Pratap at Mayo College Ajmer from 1903 to 1914.

A Heritage of Valor

Lt. Col. Thakur Dungar Singh M.C. was enlisted as Officer Cadet in Jodhpur Sardar Infantry in 1933, and rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel by sheer dint of his own merit and character. He commanded the Jodhpur Sardar Infantry, now 24th Mechanized Infantry (20th Rajputs). Later he was the commandant of the Jodhpur Army Training School.

A Journey to the Pinnacle

Lt. Col. Thakur Dungar Singh Ji embarked on his own remarkable journey as an Officer Cadet in Jodhpur Sardar Infantry on February 4, 1933. Through sheer determination and steadfast principles, he ascended the ranks, ultimately achieving the revered position of Lieutenant Colonel on December 22, 1947.

Fearless Valor on the Global Stage

He rendered outstanding services in the Second World War, in the Far-off and distant lands, namely, N W E P, Egypt (Twice), Italy and Hong Kong. He demonstrated, without showing fear, a high level of bravery and devotion, during The landing operation at Salerno (Italy) in September 1943. He was decorated with the Military Cross (SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 24 AUGUST 1944) for his unflinching dedication and chivalrous role during the Operation Avalanche. His magnificent work completed under most adverse circumstances has been mentioned in the History of the Jodhpur State Forces in the War 1939-45, written by Major General R. C. Duncan.

A Mantle of Honor and Medals

Apart from Military Cross, Lt. Col. (Thakur). Dungar Singh was decorated with various other medals like the Africa Star, Italy Star, Defense Medal, War Medal, Indian Independence Medal and H.H. Jodhpur Coronation Medal. In appreciation to meritorious services rendered by him the former state of Jodhpur bestowed upon him:
i) Tazim, Gold and HathiSaropao
ii) Jagir (Uttambar) of the income of Rs. 3,000/- Yearly
iii) A Bungalow in Jodhpur. (Bungalow 2 in Raikabagh)

A Legacy of Leadership and Dedication​

Lt Col. Thakur Dungar Singh was the sole officer recipient of the Military Cross from the King of England from Jodhpur State Forces during the Second World War. He was the first officer from Jaisalmer, who rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel indeed, a rare achievement for an Indian to get this rank in those days. His splendid and chivalrous role had brought everlasting fame and renown to his native district (Jaisalmer) as well as to Jodhpur State Forces and the Indian Army.

A Lifelong Commitment to Service

After his retirement from the Army he rendered his distinguished services to the erstwhile ruling family of Jodhpur from 1950 onward as till 1962 to the Late his Highness Maharaja Hanwant Singhji subsequently as Personal Secretary to Her Highness Rajdadi Sahiba. In the year 1950, he joined as Personal Staff Officer to his Highness and later on in 1951, he took over as Military Secretary of Jodhpur State. During his stay with the Jodhpur Royal Household, he was also given additional responsibilities of Controller General Royal Household Properties and was Guardian and Caretaker of Maharaj Kumar Gaj Singhji for more than a year.

A Hero's Legacy Lives On

He finally decided to lead a retired life in his Village Awai rendering social service. Lt. Col. Thakur Dungar Singh M.C. breathed his last on 08th of March, 1989, leaving behind a legacy of heroism and mark of distinction that will continue to inspire and enthuse the generations, yet unborn.

Sources & Citations
  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pratap_Singh_of_Idar
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaj_Singh
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanwant_Singh
  4. https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.208542/page/n105/mode/2up
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Avalanche
  6. https://www.tracesofwar.com/persons/64974/Singh-Dungar.htm